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Animated Video Advertising Services

Clay animated video adverts

Claymation animation services for your business

UK-based video animation production

Video adverts are far more effective than images alone, for conveying a message to your target audience. User purchases typically increase by up to 97%. Brand association can increase by to a huge 139% as a result of video marketing!

At Short Fuse Creative Ltd, we can create all manner of animated adverts specifically designed for your company. From clay animation services through to moving, 2D animated whiteboard pictographs. We will produce professional results even when budget is tight. Our animations offers perfect service for E-learning, conferencing and presentations.

Let us create a bespoke advertisement for your company

The animated videos we create are designed to work well on smaller screen sizes as well as being optimized for desktop viewing. Our productions can be used as promotional material or even used in the context of an eCommerce website by integrating with a shopping cart system such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

Animating an advert isn’t as expensive as you’d imagine. Unlike traditional stop-frame animation, we let our custom-built computers do all of the hard work for us. We simply apply our creativity and knowledge of leading new media software to produce videos that are bound to impress. For further information, call: 01626 863367.

Animation advertising examples

We use a mixture of applications:

  • Blender: Model and prop creation, animation and rendering.
  • Adobe Photoshop: Image refinement and labelling.
  • Adobe Character Animator: Performance and movement capture and animation.
  • Adobe Audition: Sound capture, refinement and editing.
  • Adobe Premiere: Final video editing and sequencing.

The following animation examples were created by Short Fuse Creative Ltd.

Animation via Adobe Character Animator

The character of the fish was generated with Blender many years ago. However, we decided to bring it out for this short, improvised animation on philosophy.

Blender/Adobe Character Animator Animation

This animation features a mixture of clips via Adobe Character Animator and Blender.

Claymation-style short film

Our latest video was produced using Blender 2.82. All motion was referenced from our own video sources. Scenes were acted out by us our staff and movements and expressions were mapped onto the bespoke CGI models, frame by frame. We produced all of the content in-house. See credits at the end of video for more details.

Claymation advert – Dawlish Arts Festival 2019

This animation was generated purely in Blender 2.7, using the EEVEE engine.

Claymation advert – Dawlish Arts Festival 2018

All animations composed in Adobe Character Animator. Models were produced using Blender 2.7.

Our CGI claymation advert:

Created with Adobe Character Studio and Blender 2.7 with some stock footage for backdrops.

Example of clay animation (using actual modelling clay): Short Fuse Creative advert

Arranged and animated with Adobe Character Studio, from both clay model and photographic parts.

Short Animation

A short animation for an environmental campaign. Created entirely with Blender 2.9.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about the services that Short Fuse Creative offer

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